LASU GNS to utilizes a bimodal delivery model for its courses, publishes lecture calendar

For the delivery of GNS lectures, the Centre for General Nigerian Studies (CGNS) at Lagos State University has developed a bimodal form of instruction, which will be implemented beginning with GNS 102 this semester. The conclusion was reached during a recent meeting of the Center.
According to the bimodal technique, which entails both physical and online contacts, the following events will take place:
- Week 1: Physical for Resource Persons to introduce them to the course material.
- Week 2: Physical activity for Resource Persons to raise awareness among students about the use of internet materials.
- Weeks 3 and 4 will consist of online coursework and examinations.
- Week 5: Physical- to reinforce what has been learned through online instruction.
The following weeks: Weeks 6-8: Online learning and assessment
Week 9: Physical- to help students reinforce their understanding of the online material and prepare them for tests.
Note: Students and the University community are also being notified that, moving forward, all GNS courses will use a similar method of lecture delivery to that used previously.